Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • ita
    01-14 09:56 PM
    Just voted...Thank you.

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  • Macaca
    12-07 10:47 AM
    Tax, Spending Issues Frustrate Democrats ( By CHARLES BABINGTON | Associated Press, December 7, 2007

    WASHINGTON -- Cracks are emerging in congressional Democrats' solidarity, as frustrated lawmakers concede their majority status is not enough to overcome Republican resistance on taxes, spending, Iraq and a host of other issues.

    The fissures, which became obvious this week, are undermining Democrats' hopes for several key achievements this year. They also point to a bruising 2008 election in which Democrats will say Republicans blocked prudent tax and spending plans to score political points on immigration and other hot-button issues.

    Republicans say they simply want to prevent higher taxes of any kind, even if the targets are not-so-sympathetic groups such as oil companies and hedge fund managers.

    After 11 months of insisting that all major programs be paid for with tax increases or spending cuts elsewhere, Senate Democratic leaders acknowledged Thursday they cannot persuade enough Republicans to join them. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., reluctantly allowed a vote on a long-debated middle-class tax cut that would add billions of dollars to the deficit because it is not offset elsewhere.

    The measure, which the Senate approved 88-5, would prevent the alternative minimum tax from hitting about 25 million more taxpayers, at a cost of about $50 billion to the U.S. treasury next year. Reid's decision puts the Senate at odds with the House with two weeks left before the holiday recess.

    House Democratic leaders still insist on a pay-as-you-go policy, or "pay-go," which they made a centerpiece of their governing principles in January.

    Reid told reporters Thursday that Senate Republicans have used their filibuster powers to block Democratic efforts to change Iraq policy, move a farm bill and pay for the proposed one-year "fix" to the alternative minimum tax. He especially complained about Republican demands to offer farm bill amendments dealing with state drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.

    "We've tried everything we can to address these issues," Reid said, citing 57 GOP filibuster threats this year.

    "We have lived by pay-go," Reid said regarding the tax bill. "But what we want everyone to know is that we have tried every alternative possible."

    He acknowledged handing a political dilemma to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. The House earlier passed an AMT bill that would raise $80 billion in new taxes, largely on investors and hedge fund managers.

    "I admire the speaker" for adhering to the pay-as-you-go principle, Reid said. He added, however, she "has a little more flexibility from a procedural perspective than I do."

    Reid's decision will force a pivotal decision by House Democrats: Should they infuriate millions of voters by leaving the AMT unchanged (and hope Republicans get blamed), or abandon the pay-go promise and possibly rely heavily on Republican votes to pass a bill that splits Democrats.

    "If we waive pay-go on this, I think it opens the door" to further actions that would raise the deficit and "border on criminal irresponsibility," said Rep. John Tanner, D-Tenn.

    Meanwhile Thursday, congressional Democrats said they face an uphill battle in trying to overcome Senate GOP objections to a House-passed energy bill. Republicans particularly oppose the proposed rollback of $13.5 billion in tax breaks for major oil companies.

    "You can't tax your way to energy independence," House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters.

    If the Senate cannot overcome the GOP-led resistance, Democratic senators said they may have to jettison provisions important to many House Democrats: the tax provisions and requirements for greater use of renewable energy such as wind, solar and biofuels.

    House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said such a move would be difficult for the House to swallow. "The tax part is just as important as any other part" of the energy bill, he said.

    As for the Iraq war, congressional Democrats on Thursday sent their strongest signal yet that they are resigned to providing additional funds without forcing President Bush to alter his policies. The plan is virtually certain to divide House Democrats. Like the AMT legislation, it may require significant Republican support to pass.

    Democrats, who sometimes seem incredulous at their inability to budge the GOP on tax, spending and war issues, say Republicans will pay dearly at the polls. "There is a sense they are digging their own grave," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said.

    Some Republicans agree there is a risk in repeatedly blocking Democratic-crafted bills, especially if the chief beneficiaries appear to be big oil companies or wealthy investors.

    "The strategy is to lay low and then blame them for not getting anything done," Republican Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois said in an interview. "The truth is, we all lose."

    "We trash each other and end up making the institution look bad," LaHood said. "That's why Congress' approval ratings are so low."

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  • flameran
    04-22 02:35 PM
    I am a F1 PhD student The company we've been cooperating with gave me an internship offer for this summer working as an independent contractor under CPT for three months.
    The univeristy international offer and the career office are both OK with this but I saw some opposite opinion online. Could someone give me a clear answer: is this legal F1 student under CPT working as independent contractor?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • ravi98
    04-28 08:05 AM
    Here's a thought!
    Why not install a microchip into every elected official, so that they are never ever tempted to do anything wrong ............. this way they truly will be working for the american people instead of themselves.


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  • Blog Feeds
    12-30 12:20 PM
    Often, when there is a great concentration of businesses focused on a specific industry in a particular geographic location, the area is called the "Silicon Valley" of and then you fill in the blank. That's a tribute to Silicon Valley in Northern California which is the home to many of America's great tech companies - Google, Apple, Intel, etc. For example, Charlotte is the Silicon Valley of banking. Nashville is the Silicon Valley of hospital firms. Well, it turns out the actual Silicon Valley is the Silicon Valley for America's ping-pong talent. All of those immigrant tech workers who came...

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  • sss9i
    09-28 03:12 PM D D


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  • mmrao2007
    04-10 10:13 PM
    Will there be any updates on 485 LUDs when USCIS works on I-140?

    I have submitted approved EB3 I140 and 485 on Aug 2nd 2007. I submitted EB2 I140 for approval on Dec 11 2007. There haven't been many LUDs on any of these files except when applied for AP and EAD. Now on Apr 7th 2009 I see new LUDs on EB2 I140 and 485(for both wife and me). There is nothing after that. I am not able to make out anything of it. Any comments, suggestions or opinions are appreciated. Thx

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  • h_shaik
    10-17 12:44 PM


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  • GCVivek
    03-23 03:08 PM
    It will be very tough. :eek:

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  • wandmaker
    11-19 12:19 AM
    You can use "nunc-pro-tunc" to get H4 extension. There has been lot of information and discussion at


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  • mannan74
    08-27 06:33 PM
    How often does USCIS release Lockbox Receipting Update, I was told it was every monday. Is this true?

    Does anyone have latest update?


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  • perm2gc
    09-07 02:03 PM
    Personally I agree with you. On the other hand, there could be some folks who like this sh*t. :D :D It is just an FYI for them.;):D :D :D


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  • jettu77
    01-02 10:01 AM
    On my spouse's AP I also had the document mailed message.

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  • rimori3232
    11-16 07:31 PM
    Hi. I am a Canadian Citizen that was offered a Management job in US.

    I would appreciate any advice in regards the best way to ensure a LONG stay in US. The company wants to start with a TN.

    Strategy #1:
    To stay under TN and keep it renew it for a long term �. 10-20 years. The risk is that the guys at the border will say no at some point; however I wonder if I can request an appeal since there is no limit per TN rules.
    ( are there any cases that have stayed that long?)

    Strategy #2:
    Start with a TN then file an H1b and wait for the Labor of certification to be approved. If I do not hear anything in 1 or 2 years; change to TN to revise the strategy�. in order to avoid consuming the H1b 6 years lead time allowed and try again later.


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  • Blog Feeds
    06-22 10:10 AM
    It's hard not to watch in amazement as protesters from across Iran are managing to get videos and pictures out to the world of their fight for liberty despite the fact that most journalists are barred from reporting. They are using communications technology as their weapon against the regime and the camera phone has been at the center of it all. Two years ago I honored Philippe Kahn on this site as my immigrant of the day. Kahn, a French immigrant to the US, invented the camera phone in 1997 so that he could take pictures of his new child...

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  • immig4me
    01-07 10:17 AM
    A friend of mine (Indian) is married to an Indonesian. Both are on H1B and have approved I-140s. Can my friend apply for a cross chargeability? Does it have to happen when my friends spouse's pd becomes current? or can it be done earlier?


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  • tradahoo
    12-17 05:35 PM
    Can anyone tell me if a PERM is first audited, and then reaudited, which one will be used for the priority date? the first one or the second one? or it does not matter (based on the date when the PERM was first filed)?

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-07 09:40 AM
    Those of you who have been reading this blog awhile will recall the many posts I've written regarding major problems in the system of detention for immigrants facing potential deportation. Nina Bernstein of the New York Times reports this morning that the White House will enact a series of reforms designed to curb abuses. Some of the promised changes are vague, but an immediate step will be an end to sending families to the Hutto detention facility in Texas, a location that has been the source of many complaints.The Administration is apparently looking at more alternatives to detention for non-violent...

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  • Jaime
    08-30 11:27 AM
    Page 42 of the study is interesting, where a suggestion is raised for changes to count the time stuck waiting in retrogression towards naturalization. That would only be fair.

    03-22 05:07 AM
    so. But since your 140 is approved the PD is yours. You have to find new employer, start from Labor process again.

    07-11 04:21 PM
    So, This is a very simple tee i came up with. I figured i would make one relating to Kirupa, and its also a great way to get Kirupa noticed all over the world. Not the best one ive seen on here, but i just wanted to get it out. (

    Uploaded with (

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