Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • Parthakatta
    05-01 02:09 PM

    I have received my EAD recently and noticed that last name and first name are interchanged.

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  • nixstor
    03-11 03:24 PM
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  • uma001
    06-25 12:41 PM
    5 more Representatives co-sponsor for CIR ASAP of 2009 bringing it to 102 sponsors.

    However, unless the Senate moves on Immigration .. nothing will happen in the House.

    What happened to STEM bill? When is it coming to senate?

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  • rockstart
    02-10 05:13 PM
    Dont take advise of people since they are not law experts. Talk to Murthy or Khanna:eek:


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  • anil_gc
    09-11 10:46 AM
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  • Macaca
    08-05 07:16 AM
    The Congress So Far ( An ugly finish to a rocky start, August 5, 2007

    FORGET ABOUT November's bipartisan promises of civility and cooperation in Congress. At the time they seemed overly optimistic. Nonetheless, it is hard to believe that relations could have deteriorated so far so fast -- both between the new Democratic majority and congressional Republicans and between Democratic lawmakers and President Bush.

    Thursday's late-night rumble on the House floor, when a vote was gaveled to what Democrats acknowledge was a premature close, epitomized the ugliness that has overtaken the entire legislative process. In the end, the 110th Congress headed for its August recess with civility in shreds and achievements sparse. Indeed, the only thing that might make August look pleasant is September, when lawmakers will return to resume the acrimonious debate over Iraq policy and confront the looming end of the fiscal year with spending bills unpassed and presidential vetoes in the offing.

    There have been scraps of good news from the first seven months. Lawmakers managed to see two of their priorities become law: an increase in the minimum wage and passage of the recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission. Another major achievement, a lobbying and ethics reform bill that will make important changes in the way Washington does business, is awaiting Mr. Bush's signature. Both chambers passed versions of a measure to extend the health insurance program for children in low-income families.

    But many other Democratic priorities -- and a big presidential one, immigration reform -- were snarled in the Senate. The 60-vote majority needed to overcome a filibuster proved to be as big an impediment for majority Democrats as the Democrats had made it when Republicans held power. The failure of immigration reform, of which there had been at least a hope of bipartisan achievement, was a particularly low note. Meanwhile, Democrats in both chambers chose to spend countless hours mired in a fruitless effort to compel an "end" to the war in Iraq.

    One of the most disappointing recent developments has been the administration's apparent decision, in the aftermath of the immigration bill's failure, that there was not much to be gained from working with this Congress -- and something to gained by taking it on. This new belligerence has manifested itself in a blizzard of veto threats -- Democrats counted up 31 between May 1 and Aug. 1 -- the most regrettable of which involves the children's health insurance bill.

    In the final hours before recess, it was hard to know which was more shameful: the administration's use of the looming vacation to bully Democrats into accepting its overbroad rewrite of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or Democrats' spinelessness in caving to this strong-arming.

    On the House side, a major disappointment was the failure of Democrats to live up to their pledge to treat the new Republican minority better than Democrats were treated when Republicans held power. Democrats promised a new, more open House, with adequate time for members to digest complex legislation and ample opportunity for the minority to offer amendments on the floor; instead, they, too, often used the same hardball tactics to muscle through legislation that Republicans had employed. That might have been understandable in the Democrats' "first 100 hours" that the new Congress was in session, but it is unfortunate that it persisted until the recess. That's no way to do business, and Democrats know it.


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  • lost_angeles
    06-17 12:45 AM
    I am getting ready to file for my 485. I have a problem, and I am not sure how to go about it --
    My wife's birth certificate has her name listed differently than it is. The birth certificate has a temporary/pet name. Is there anything I can do now, in next 14 days, before I can file for 485? Will any kind of affidavit help?

    Appreciate all your suggestions.

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  • dellybelly
    08-23 05:00 PM
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  • prem_goel
    08-22 12:13 PM
    i hope its not because he's asking this question. I see nothing wrong with him raising this query here.

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  • Gym Band
    01-24 12:36 AM
    I am currently in L1B status and filed for AOS (I-140/I-485) in July 2007. My I-140 was approved last week and 180 days of pending I-485 are also over. My question is whether there is a huge risk involved in porting to a new employer using EAD, particularly because I do not have any other safety net like H1-B status. I understand, in case of I-485 denial, I will not have any other option to fall back upon. But if USCIS mistakenly issues a NOID or denial for some strange reason, would I have any other option to appeal without going out of country. Can I continue appealing such a potential denial from outside of USA and come if they reopen the case.

    More specifically, I have heard some of the AC21 cases have been mistakenly denied or a NOID issues due to ignorant USCIS immigration officer. Can something be done to revive the AOS when there is no backup option like H1B? Would that action needs to be continued from outside of USA or can be done here itself.


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  • uma001
    01-25 02:14 PM
    When you are working as fulltime employee for american client (not consultancy) then why are you worried?
    Mine also filed (extension) on Nov 27 receipt date Dec 10. Still in process.

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  • mrudul_hr
    07-19 12:04 PM
    No, the H1 6 yrs period will apply only when for the period when your Payrolls where generated using H1 visa.


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  • ranand00
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  • GCNaseeb
    08-31 11:25 PM
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  • webcrawler
    12-29 02:59 PM
    My case was filed on july 2 and got rejected due to incorrect fees. I was told, it was mail room error and was refiled on Sep 12th. I was under the impression that all the rejected cases have receipts numbers and the cases are entered in USCIS database.

    I called USCIS and my case information is not in database yet. My attorney told me that they only have a reference number for inquiry(yet to explain why no receipt number instead).

    Have you guys seen this happening in other cases?

    Thanks in Advance!

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  • das0
    12-09 02:39 AM
    can anyone pls help?


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  • Macaca
    07-11 08:13 AM
    Unpopular Congress enduring tough times ( By Steve Holland Reuters, Jul 10, 2007

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - These are tough times for the Democratic-led U.S. Congress, where partisan battles have led to little progress on big issues and have made lawmakers collectively less popular than President George W. Bush.

    Congress, typically never all that popular to begin with, starts the second half of 2007 with an anemic job approval rating of about 25 percent, down from 43 percent in January, with one Gallup poll ranking lawmakers at 14 percent.

    Experts attribute the woeful rankings to an inability to force a change in direction in Iraq, the priority Democrats campaigned on to gain power in both the House of Representatives and the Senate in last November's elections.

    But that is not all. There has been little to show on other priorities, including a change in Social Security and other entitlement programs that will run out of money in the years ahead, in addition to overhauling a health care system that has left millions uninsured and a broken immigration policy.

    "I think Americans were expecting a great deal from the new Congress, and Congress has always been held in low esteem, but Congress really hasn't delivered on what it promised, especially on Iraq," said Paul Light, a congressional expert who is a professor at New York University.

    Democrats in charge of Congress insist they have made progress on several issues, like increasing the minimum hourly wage and getting money for victims of the 2005 Katrina hurricane. They blame the Republican minority for a failure on others such as immigration, greater energy independence, and on negotiation of lower-priced drugs for Medicare.

    "I'm not really much for polls," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. "We're going to continue doing what we think is the right thing for the American public in spite of a White House and the Republicans who are stalling every step of the way."


    Democrats drew a line in the sand over Iraq in the spring, using a $100 billion war spending bill to try to force Bush to accept a troop withdrawal date.

    The effort failed miserably, with Bush finally getting what he wanted with no strings attached, and the White House saw the fractious debate as taking time away from work on other priorities.

    "They've proven that they're not capable of taking on big issues," an administration official said.

    Democrats beg to differ, pointing out that under their stewardship the Congress has resumed its traditional watchdog role over an administration they feel got off scot-free under Republican leadership.

    "I would say in the first six months, gauging how things operate here from the majority, that we had some important work to do," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California. "We had to drain the swamp. We had to create the oversight."

    With American patience running thin over the Iraq war and casualties rising, Democrats may eventually force a change in direction in the unpopular war, an effort being renewed this week on Capitol Hill.

    The Iraq situation has so infuriated the Democratic left that Cindy Sheehan, the California liberal who began a long protest against Bush after her soldier son Casey was killed in Iraq, is talking about running against Pelosi in 2008.

    "I think the decline in support (for Congress) since the Democrats took over reflects in part the unhappiness of the base in the inability of Democrats to immediately stop the war in Iraq," said Thomas Mann, a congressional expert at the Brookings Institution.

    The analysts say Congress' low poll numbers also reflect an altogether negative mood among Americans who are tired of the war, fed up with rising gasoline prices and worried about their jobs in a changing economy.

    But how all this plays out in the 2008 election is hard to say. Incumbent lawmakers, while collectively held in low esteem, rarely fail to win re-election.

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  • santa123
    03-12 08:16 AM
    The anti-immigration groups seem to be busy with strategic plans to challenge CIR. Hope IV is ready to make a strong case too.,0312.shtm#comment

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  • saro28
    10-22 08:44 AM
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    11-05 08:40 AM
    One of the most reliable pundits when it comes to the math side of politics is the New York Times blogger Nate Silver. He actually comes from a sports background and was known as a master of sports statistics. I've been reading his five thirty-eight blog for the last couple of years and he's usually right on the mark. Nate has done some number crunching to verify claims that Latinos were undercounted in the polls and gave Democrats the margins needed to win in states where they have the largest populations. His finding? Indeed, the NCLR polling I wrote about...

    More... (

    04-13 02:05 PM
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