Friday, July 1, 2011

How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

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  • mannubhai
    01-28 12:42 PM
    Now a days VFS is not releasing appointment dates more than 2 - 2.5 weeks in advance. I am not aware of any specific time of the day when these become available.

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  • Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

  • Green_2007
    08-16 10:01 AM
    Hello All,
    I need ur advice.

    My H1 expires this sept 19th 2010. I don't have the present H1 stamped.
    Also, I have the new extended H1 which is valid from Sept 19th 2010.
    Now, I'm planning to travel to India and go for stamping.
    1. If I go for stamping before sept19th, on which H1 will i get the visa stamped,present H1 or the new extended H1?
    2. Is it safe to go before sept19th or after sept 19th? I prefer the stamping on H1 extension.

    I'm flexible with my travel.
    I'm waiting to book my appointement based on the advice given.
    Appreciate ur inputs!!

    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. National Cancer Institute quit
  • National Cancer Institute quit

  • mahathi
    05-13 02:13 PM

    I read an article on Automatic Revalidation.

    It says if you have an expired visa, and a valid 797 you can still enter US.

    Is it true for H1 extensions?

    Please advise.


    2011 Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. Very few smokers can quit cold
  • Very few smokers can quit cold

  • v2010
    07-09 02:24 PM

    I have few questions and seeking your advise on it. Currently I have a H1B and EAD with EB3 category GC application.

    1. I am working on H1B for "X" company and they have filed extension for it. Now, I got an offer from "Y" company and they are willing to transfer my H1B.

    Is there any problem for H1B transfer to the Y company while it is filed for extension from my current employer?

    2. The new company "Y" is also going to file my new GC labor and I-140 as job has little different and senior role but similar to what I had in my previous H1B and GC labor in EB2 category.

    Now, can my current employer "X" company remove I-140 or create any kind of problem for my immigration status, specially with GC?

    Any information, you can provide will be really helpful.


    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. quit smoking cold turkey
  • quit smoking cold turkey

  • Blog Feeds
    01-15 11:20 AM
    Cuban-born Emilio Estefan has been one of the most well-known residents of my home town of Miami since my childhood. He was a member of the famous band The Miami Sound Machine and in the years since he has become a highly successful Latin music producer in South Florida's music community. Estefan has been nominated for 28 Grammys over the years and won 14 times. He's also the husband of fellow band member Gloria Estefan. And he is the producer of well-known Latin music stars Marc Antony, Jennifer Lopez and Ricky Martin. And if life as a musician and producer...

    More... (

    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. How To Quit Smoking Cold
  • How To Quit Smoking Cold

  • beppenyc
    02-28 04:28 PM


    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. How to quit smoking cold
  • How to quit smoking cold

  • Blog Feeds
    06-24 01:10 AM
    Markos Moulitsas, the prominent left of center blogger, writes in the Hill:Once promising, the GOP�s designs on the Golden State governor�s mansion and Sen. Barbara Boxer�s seat are now running aground on a serious, self-imposed obstacle � the months of anti-immigrant rhetoric voiced by their candidates in this immigrant-rich state. Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman began the campaign as an immigration moderate, but veered to the right in order to win her party's nomination. �Let me be very clear: I am 100 percent against amnesty, no exceptions,� she said. �[U]ntil we actually do secure the border and actually stop illegal...

    More... (

    2010 National Cancer Institute quit How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. stop smoking cold turkey
  • stop smoking cold turkey

  • waseem
    07-16 09:49 PM
    eat organic foodz :lol:


    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. Ways to Stop Smoking Cold
  • Ways to Stop Smoking Cold

  • webm
    09-26 03:47 PM
    I think that EAD/AP are not dependent/tied to the employer?

    No.. it's not tied to the employer..

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  • Stop Smoking - Successful for

  • HereIComeGC
    02-25 02:46 PM
    I work in Philadelphia area. I have received a Job offer in NYC area which offers me a salary 70-80% more than what I earn now. Job responsibilities and descriptions are pretty much the same in new position.

    I would like to run it by a good lawyer to make sure there would not be an issue with AC21 (I am well past 180 days now).

    Can anyone recommend a good lawyer?

    Thank you


    How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. I want to quit smoking cold
  • I want to quit smoking cold

  • pdx_Soft_Eng
    03-25 05:33 PM

    I joined and contributed already to the IV although I am not yet on the GC queue. I support you all with my heart.

    I have a different concern about PERM filing. My application will be EB2 with Ms + 4 years as Senior Soft Eng, and my lawyer asked my manager to create the business necessity letter for MS degree. He is not experienced with this kind of paperwork and the lawyer seems to be just not helpful rather demanding... I was wondering if somebody in IV had to deal with this business necessity letter. Any information would be helpful...

    Best Regards,
    Ps: you can email me at

    hot quit smoking cold turkey How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. FROM QUIT SMOKING COLD TURKEY

  • days_go_by
    08-01 02:53 PM
    I am on 6th year and need to extend my h1b. My lawyer informs me that 45day letter from Backlog center is enough for 7th year extension.

    I thought we need to get the screen-shot of pending labor as a proof for 7th year extension.

    Does anyone got extension based on 45day letter for the 7th year or beyond....???

    it should be enough,


    house quitting smoking cold How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. View your profile. Most
  • View your profile. Most

  • saravanaraj.sathya
    07-30 03:06 PM

    I am planning to use AC21 for 180 days. Please reply to this poll so that we can find out how many of us will take advantage of this situation.

    tattoo How To Quit Smoking Cold How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. Want to stop.
  • Want to stop.

  • panacea
    07-18 03:07 PM
    But I don't know what will happen to an extension that you already received.......


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  • 1302599893 34 Give up smoking

  • paragpujara
    11-27 09:37 AM
    Number to call
    Call 1-800-375-5283
    Press 1
    Press 2
    Press 2
    Press 6
    Press 2
    press 2
    press 1

    If you follow above sequence then yr call will be transfered to Customer Service. Hope this helps.

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  • How to Quit Smoking

  • h1vegas
    07-28 05:41 PM
    Pls help me answer this question

    I am one of the July filers, have EAD and applied for I485 EB3, Dec 2003 India. My H-1 And GC are both based on the job title- Systems Programmer/ Network Admin. I wanted to apply for a position in the university - Lab Director- Electrical & Computer Engineering. My question is :

    1) Since not all the job responsibilities will be same in the new job (if i get it). but some ofthe requirements will be the same.
    [like setting up the network, little programming devices etc.]

    2) Can I apply for EB-2 with the university and later port my date- Eb3 to EB2

    Pls let me know at your earliest convenience


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  • pappu
    03-01 08:00 PM
    pls. pm janilsal

    and organize a conf call soon so that work can be started

    girlfriend Want to stop. How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. Quit smoking cold turkey
  • Quit smoking cold turkey

  • shantanup
    03-20 10:35 AM
    I got my DL reneul yesterday..there want any Visa question asked at all..??..Is texas not following DL reneual only untill your visa expiry date??..:confused:

    Even I got my TX DL renewed for 6 more years 2-3 months ago and that too on internet. Texas is a real liberal state! Michigan sucks.

    hairstyles I want to quit smoking cold How To Quit Smoking Cold Turkey. He said he quit “cold turkey
  • He said he quit “cold turkey

  • willIWill
    06-16 03:09 PM
    USCIS has updated the processing times and the dashboard today .

    USCIS: National Processing Volumes and Trends (

    10-22 08:07 AM
    Can Washington Be Fixed? ( The war. Healthcare. Airline delays. Katrina. Americans are fed up with inaction�and demanding change By Kenneth T. Walsh, October 19, 2007

    There they go again.

    The White House and Congress are in a nasty stalemate over expanding access to children's healthcare. President Bush predicts a "fiscal showdown" this fall with Democratic legislators over virtually all his spending priorities. "We're now more than halfway through October, and the new leaders in Congress have had more than nine months to get things done for the American people," Bush told a news conference last week. "Unfortunately, they haven't managed to pass many important bills. Now the clock is winding down, and in some key areas, Congress is just getting started." In a familiar tit for tat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shot back: "There is no better example of why Washington is not working for the American people than the president claiming to seek common ground at the same time he is bitterly attacking Congress."

    Beyond that, no solution has emerged for the subprime mortgage meltdown that may cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their homes and endangers the wider economy. The Iraq war grinds on, with no apparent end in sight. Idaho Sen. Larry Craig is reviving the sleaze-factor saga that has been so damaging to Washington by trying to withdraw his guilty plea to disorderly conduct stemming from a restroom sex sting.

    It's the constant refrain from the presidential candidates, political scientists, and, most important of all, everyday Americans: Washington is broken. Rancorous partisanship has nearly paralyzed the government. The nation's leaders have lost touch with the people. Above all, it's time for a change. Historians and pollsters say the zeitgeist is clear. Americans are more frustrated with their government today than they have been in a long time, even more so than during the Watergate scandal. And those negative feelings have become the subtext of the 2008 presidential race. "Distrust of politicians and politics are part of American culture," says Princeton historian Julian Zelizer. "But the distrust is getting worse."

    With good reason. The government can't seem to solve any of its major problems, from reforming Social Security to illegal immigration. "Anytime there is a major policy failure," such as the disastrous government response to Hurricane Katrina, Zelizer says, "it decreases Americans' belief that government can do good." The Democrats and Republicans are increasingly relying on their base voters and aren't reaching out to anyone else, making compromise nearly impossible. Corruption scandals have increased public cynicism. The 24-hour news cycle emphasizes conflict and wrongdoing more than ever. The Iraq war has deepened the nation's anxiety. President Bush and Congress endure record-low approval ratings. In fact, 7 out of 10 Americans now say the country is headed in the wrong direction. "People feel nothing gets done in Washington, that the hot air of summer has become a permanent condition," says Kenneth Duberstein, former White House chief of staff for Ronald Reagan.

    The need for change is such a dominant theme that all the main presidential contenders are calling for an end to business as usual. The Democrats, trying to draw contrasts with the GOP White House of George W. Bush, are the most pointed. Front-runner Hillary Clinton says her experience as first lady and as a senator from New York enables her to bring more positive and effective change than her rivals. "She has represented change all her life," says Mark Penn, her chief strategist , "and she's been fighting the special interests all her life." Illinois Sen. Barack Obama goes further. "There are those who tout their experience working the system in Washington," Obama says. "But the problem is the system in Washington isn't working for us, and it hasn't been for a very long time." And John Edwards told U.S. News: "Washington is severely broken. And I think the system is rigged, and I think it's rigged against the American people and it's rigged by powerful interests and their lobbyists in Washington."

    The Republicans are more restrained in attacking Bush, the titular head of their party, but they realize that public resentment of the status quo runs deep. "When, every day, Americans are being shot and Iraqis are being blown up, it feels lousy," says former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. "I happen to think that the failures in Iraq have a great deal to do with the wrong-track sentiment that exists in the country today."

    Can't say no. Beyond Iraq, other reasons for public frustration with Washington include anxiety about job security, wage stagnation, retirement, and access to affordable healthcare�all situations that the White House and Congress have failed to improve. "Because the two parties are so evenly balanced, it's not possible for one party to pass its own agenda," says conservative strategist Grover Norquist. "When you've got a fifty-fifty balance, each team needs all its most motivated players and each team can't say no to its radical special interests."

    03-21 05:52 PM
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to share this information with everyone so people around the same petition date can be hopeful of getting their 140 approved soon.
    My I-140 got approved yesterday through NSC. Petition was filed on 4/1/2008. I am in EB-3 category.

    Thank you,

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